Half term

Next week is half term so we're open 11 while 9 weekdays and 10 while 9 at the weekend.
We're also running our skateboard hangouts Tuesday and Thursday.

Saturday 1st 5 while 9 as part of @kelhampride we're partnering with our friends from @newwaveskate_uk to bring you an extra session this month. Saturday 1st June from 5 while 9 it'll be free in for anyone at the Kelham Pride event. We'll have queer led coaching and equipment on hand for anyone who ever fancied a go at skateboarding or just hasn't done it in a while and wants to get back into it.

Easter Holiday Opening Hours

From Monday 1st April until Sunday 14th April we’re open our holiday times 11 - 9 weekdays and 10 - 9 weekends.

We’re running our skateboard hangouts Tuesday and Thursday and they can be booked through our site.

We’re also partnering with Sheffield Healthy Holidays on Wednesday and Friday for free sessions which you can book through https://sheffield.ipalbookings.com/

Finally as a special treat Ed is bringing his skateboard drawing club to us again on Friday 5th. Places are limited and can be booked through our website.

Half Term Holidays

We’re open our holiday hours Monday the 12th until Sunday 18th. 11 - 9 weekdays 10 - 9 weekends.

We’re also running our usual holiday hangout skateboard session which can be booked through our website.