National lockdown update

We have been asked to close from Wednesday 4th Nov. We will hopefully be back open early December and will announce it as soon as we know.

The shop will still be open on a collect only basis. Please get in touch via email or our social media channels if you need anything.

Stay safe and we’ll see you soon.

Sheffield region tier 3 update

We’ve now had a chance to study and digest what Sheffield’s tier 3 rating means to us.

As a leisure business, no extra restrictions are being placed on us above the ones that we’re already following. This means we’re staying open and running things in much the same way we have been since we reopened in July.

Customers must still pre-book online. All the now-standard rules about maintaining social distancing, good hygiene practices, face coverings in the shop, and no mixing between households will be strictly enforced. You know how it works so please play nice, because we really hate having to tell people off.

The advice on travel in and out of tier 3 areas is not to unless it’s really necessary. We won’t be refusing entry to people from outside the Sheffield city region, but you might want to consider this before you book.

Anyone who has already booked and now feels they don’t want to come because of the new local restrictions, please get in touch via email or DM for a refund or credit to be used at a later date.

Finally thanks to all of you for helping us stay open and safe during some very trying times.

Half Term


From Monday 26th October until Sunday 4th we will be running session at 12 and 5 every day.

Please read the post below for how we’re currently running the park.

We do now have space for 3 parents or carers upstairs. These spacers are reserved for people who have to stay with their kids and are available on a first come first served basis.

To comply with track and trace we will need you to book in, ideally with the NHS app but we can take your details if you can’t use it.

The House is back open on the 25th July - What you need to know.



We’re looking forward to welcoming you back to The House. However, the risk from coronavirus has not gone away, so we’re going to be doing things a little differently here for the foreseeable future to ensure your safety while you use the park. Please read the following information carefully so that you can plan your visit properly and avoid disappointment.


• The House will now be open every day from 12pm – 9pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 5pm - 9pm Tuesday and Thursday

• Days will be split into two four-hour sessions: 12pm – 4pm, and 5pm – 9pm. We are unable to offer shorter sessions at this point.

• As we are limiting user numbers to 32 per session, customers will be expected to book for the full four-hour slot whether or not you choose to arrive after it starts or leave before it ends.

• The park will be closed for cleaning every day between 4pm and 5pm.


• Each session will cost £8, and must be booked and paid for IN ADVANCE.

• Sessions can be booked and paid for in person or on our website

• Your place will not be reserved unless it is paid for.

• Our Gold card scheme has been suspended for the time being.

• Please give 48 hours’ notice if you want to cancel your session. Otherwise we cannot refund you or offer credit. Exceptions will be made if we are forced to close due to track and trace.


• Due to health and safety guidelines about sharing equipment, we cannot offer loan equipment of any kind: that means no loan scooters, skateboards or protective gear.

• If you are under 14 you are required to wear a helmet and will need to bring your own or you can buy one from our shop. SPECTATORS INCLUDING PARENTS / CARERS

• No spectators will be allowed in the building.

• We will provide seating in the car park if you have a child aged 11 or under, or wish to stay during a session.


• Regrettably, our café will remain closed so we will not be offering hot food.

• Snacks such as chocolate, crisps, and drinks including tea and coffee will be available to order from a member of staff who will bring your refreshments to you in the car park seating area.

• Please pay by card if possible.

• Customers are encouraged to use hand sanitiser available inside and outside the park.


• Access to the shop will be on request and limited to one person accompanied by a member of staff.

• We ask you to pay by card if possible.

Please do not visit if you have suspected symptoms of COVID-19 or if anyone in your household has the virus, or is self-isolating with suspected COVID-19.

Staff reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone showing symptoms of illness. Park users are expected to observe social distancing during sessions.

Staff reserve the right to remove users from the park if social distancing guidelines are not being followed by the park user.

The House takes no responsibility for you contracting COVID-19 on our premises.

Covid 19 Update

We are currently closed due to the pandemic. We have no idea how long this will be for but rest assured we will be back. Keep an eye on our social feeds for more updates. Thanks for your support and stay safe.