Sheffield region tier 3 update

We’ve now had a chance to study and digest what Sheffield’s tier 3 rating means to us.

As a leisure business, no extra restrictions are being placed on us above the ones that we’re already following. This means we’re staying open and running things in much the same way we have been since we reopened in July.

Customers must still pre-book online. All the now-standard rules about maintaining social distancing, good hygiene practices, face coverings in the shop, and no mixing between households will be strictly enforced. You know how it works so please play nice, because we really hate having to tell people off.

The advice on travel in and out of tier 3 areas is not to unless it’s really necessary. We won’t be refusing entry to people from outside the Sheffield city region, but you might want to consider this before you book.

Anyone who has already booked and now feels they don’t want to come because of the new local restrictions, please get in touch via email or DM for a refund or credit to be used at a later date.

Finally thanks to all of you for helping us stay open and safe during some very trying times.