Important – Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update for Customers

Here at The House we take the health and safety of our customers very seriously. That's why, following the latest advice from the Government and Public Health England on social distancing, we're making a few changes to ensure we can continue providing a safe place to ride. Please be aware of the following changes that could affect you:

Cafe: The House will still be serving hot food, drinks and snacks, but the office cafe area is now closed to customers. Food can still be consumed in the upstairs observation deck. We're also returning to using disposable cups for drinks.

Lessons: We have made the difficult decision to suspend one-to-one and group lessons until further notice to ensure safety of our customers and staff. We will also be unable to run our regular holiday club during the Easter break.

Payment: As the virus can linger on money and other surfaces for some time, we're asking customers to pay by card / contactless if at all possible. We are still accepting cash but please use alternative means of payment if you can.

Hygiene: We're keeping the park good and clean for your safety. Please do your bit by using the bins provided and washing your hands.

Most importantly, if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who has / suspects they have the virus or who are self-isolating please don't come down. We'll still be here when you're back on your wheels.

This is a rapidly changing situation, and while we want to keep things as normal as possible the time may come when it would be socially irresponsible of us to stay open. We'll update you on any further changes on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our website when they happen. Thanks for your continuing support.